16 September 2009

school with elle: day10.


calendar: per usual
chalkboard: per usual
snack: orange slices and whole wheat banana muffins
numeral ordination: more of the math manipulatives i made in my kindergarten ed classes. this one is very simple; elle just places the numerals in ascending order.
dollhouse play: elle's younger cousin was over visiting during this time, so we did a bit more play than normal. dollhouse, furniture, and dolls from plan toys.
addition: more k ed math manipulatives. elle solves the addition problem by placing the specified number of fish in the water, adding the designated number of fish, and counting the total. we talked about how the plus sign means "and." so 2+3 could be read "two and three."
sidewalk art: another activity with elle's cousin, we drew chalk pictures and labeled them.
journal: elle writes her name, the date (she identifies most of the sounds in "September" on her own), draws her entry, and dictates a description. today's entry featured a medical invention.
read: THE THREE LITTLE WOLVES AND THE BIG BAD PIG by eugene trivizas and helen oxenbury.
movement: we danced a bit to faith's silver elephant by rosie thomas.

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