04 September 2009

school with elle: day5.

calendar: date (yesterday's, today's, tomorrow's), days of the week, counting the number of the days in september thus far. we also talked about the word day, how it is spelled, how we can find it and hear it in the word today and in the name of each day of the week.

chalkboard: wrote Today is Friday, September 4, 2009. read our sentence together while elle pointed once under each word. observed/recorded the weather.

journal: name, date, picture, dictation.

journal, day 4.

several books: first up, 365 PENGUINS, a neato eco-math tale that's quirky to boot.

nifty book.

next, WHILE WE WERE OUT, a gentle south-korean import with a funny ending.


potato plant project: we skewered a potato and suspended its bottom half in a jar of water, hopeful for sprouts. we plan to observe and record its changes and growth.

hoping for sprouts.

happy exploring!

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